About us

We have many catagories of books and the selection grown daily. We have craft, home improvement,  homedecorating, sewing,cookbooks, selfhelp,scifi,fantasy Christian,spiritual, health,largeprint politics,biography, history,classics, childrens'classics, oldbooks,howto,  magazines, fiction,nonfiction, mystery,childrens', chess,sports, foreignlanguage, natural history,literature,guy stuff, including Chiltons automotive repair,western, sheet music, comic books, humor, romance, mystery, signed by the author,and also, records, tapes,and games. Some more well stocked then others.
Our hours are Tuesday thru Saturday  9 AM to 6 PM. I hope you can come check us out.

(360) 873 8565 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (360) 873 8565      end_of_the_skype_highlighting   djusedbookstore@comcast.net   570 N Burlington Blv.
